‘Senior Adviser to Sen. Bob Corker’ Says ‘At This Point Nothing Has Changed’ When Asked About CNN Report He is ‘Reconsidering’ Retirement from U.S. Senate

Late Sunday, “a senior adviser to Sen. Bob Corker”(R-TN)  told The Tennessean “It is true that Senator Corker has been encouraged by people across Tennessee and in the Senate to reconsider his decision, but at this point nothing has changed,” (emphasis added) when asked to respond to a CNN report earlier on Sunday filed by John King that rumors are circulating on Capitol Hill that junior Senator Bob Corker is ‘having second thoughts’ about retirement:

CNN is told that in recent days. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee has floated the idea of changing his mind and running for re-election this year.

Now sources tell us fellow Tennessean Lamar Alexander and South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham are among those who discussed the idea with Senator Corker.

But – and this is a big ‘but’ – when the idea was broached to the Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, his response, we are told is, it’s a non-starter unless Senator Corker can get President Trump on board.

You might recall last year, Corker questioned the President’s competence and in return, he earned the Twitter nickname, ‘Liddle Bob Corker.’

They are back on speaking terms – the Senator and the President, now – but one source familiar with the conversations says the president, quote, ‘will have no part of it.’

“If Senator Corker had wanted to end the speculation about him potentially running for re-election his spokesman could have simply said ‘No, the Senator will not be changing his plans to retire.’ Instead they have kept the door open by limiting their position to ‘at this time.’ The question is why he is leaving the option open? The polls that show Blackburn beating him handily in a head to head race haven’t changed,” conservative Republican strategist Steve Gill told The Tennessee Star.

“I don’t believe Corker will run, but the damage being done to the Fincher campaign while the option remains open will likely do irreparable harm to Fincher’s prospects,” Gill noted.

“Corker’s potential bid for re-election is the last thing Fincher needs as he is way behind Blackburn in the polls and lagging in fundraising as well. The speculation will tend to freeze Fincher’s efforts to raise money and secure support while time ticks away,” Gill added.

Regular readers of The Tennessee Star are well-versed in the many scathing attacks by the card-carrying #NeverTrumper Bob Corker on leading up to his announcement that he would not run for re-election.

Readers may also recall the serious ethical and legal questions of that have dogged the Senator for years, now.

The ramifications of his continued opposition to President Trump and the Trump Agenda, together with the ongoing investigations into how he amassed his $69 million fortune since joining the Senate in 2006 has taken a mighty toll on his viability as a winning candidate in the Volunteer State.

In the latest Tennessee Star / Triton Poll before Corker announced his retirement, the junior Senator was flailing down at the 22 percent level:

Senator Bob Corker’s (R-TN) favorability rating has sunk to a record-low 22 percent among Tennessee Republicans, according to a new poll released by The Tennessee Star on Wednesday.

A full 60 percent of Tennessee Republicans have an unfavorable view of the retiring junior senator.

Corker’s record-low unfavorability rating among Tennessee Republicans stands in stark contrast to President Trump’s favorability rating, which remains sky high at 84 percent among Tennessee Republicans, according to the same poll.

On the heels of his retirement announcement, popular congress member Representative Marsha Blackburn announced her candidacy and immediately became the front-runner in the GOP nomination race. The most recent Tennessee Star / Triton Poll has Blackburn 11 percentage points ahead former Tennessee Governor, Democrat Phil Bredesen:

A new Tennessee Star Poll released on Monday shows that Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) leads former Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, in a head-to-head general election matchup for the Tennessee U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) by 11 points, 50 percent to 39 percent.

Even if Mr. Corker were to run and win the Republican nomination to return to the Senate, the voters of Tennessee – who overwhelmingly support President Trump, his policies, and agenda – would likely stay home for the general election in November, paving the way for another Democrat pick-up in the U.S. Senate.




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7 Thoughts to “‘Senior Adviser to Sen. Bob Corker’ Says ‘At This Point Nothing Has Changed’ When Asked About CNN Report He is ‘Reconsidering’ Retirement from U.S. Senate”

  1. Randall

    Let the Democrats have him.

  2. Steve L.

    Senator Corker is playing the “pay me not to run card” on the Republican Party. Remember the Secretary of State job he asked for from President Trump as a condition of his support and vote in the Senate? Wonder what his price is this time? Immunity from prosecution on the Alabama deal? Ambassador to ….? He has no political future in this state. Yawn…. On positive note it appears that Congressman Blackburn will be the next Senator elected from Tennessee. Will she keep her promises like President Trump has is the big question. Counting on it.

  3. Wolf Woman

    Corker is toast in Tennessee. Hang it up, kiddo.

  4. Kevin

    “…encouraged by people across Tennessee?” REALLY?? Corker is toast if he runs again! And why would Trump back him? There are legitimate pro American replacements stepping up, Marsha Blackburn & Mark Green. Trump doesn’t need little Bobby C!

    This is just a “hail Mary” by a couple of swamp critters, Alexander and Graham. And their days are numbered too!

  5. Papa

    We don’t need this RINO in office, especially since his shady financial activities activities while in the tax payer’s dime. I’m guilty of voting the man in office but soon came to regret the vote.

  6. Mary

    Good. Let him go.

  7. 83ragtop50

    Is it possible that the lousy Senator Corker thinks that leaving the door open makes him relevant? He is dead meat because of his senate actions. And encouragement to run by the likes of senators Alexander and Graham simply proves the point. Go away Bobby.
